4 5 Deterministic Finalization Programming .NET Components, 2nd Edition

ecoelite Software development


This will be ignored if the Dispose() method was called by the calling code since it calls GC.SuppressFinalize(). This is very important because of the call to GC.SuppressFinalize() on line #20. Since the Dispose() method is called on line #19, this tells the GC to ignore the finalizer that we will add next. But we aren’t done yet, since this still relies on the developer calling Dispose(). We should use an IDisposable design pattern when we need to dispose of unmanaged objects. Finalizers are a secondary fall-back mechanism to free resources held by an object, if Dispose was not called properly .

  • If the calling code calls Dispose, you do not want the garbage collector to call a finalizer because the unmanaged resources will have already been returned to the operating system.
  • Clearly, there are a lot of details involved in implementing a bulletproof Dispose() and Finalize(), especially when inheritance is involved.
  • First, the object that is being finalized will survive the first collection and be placed on the finalization list.
  • The following code fragment demonstrates calling Dispose on base classes.

This technique is less useful if the resource is the kind that may have overlapping lifetimes, because then you want to be able to build resource A, then resource B, then kill resource A and then later kill resource B. You can’t do that if you’ve forced the user to perfectly nest like this. But then you need to use IDisposable (but still without a finalizer, unless you have implemented threadsafety, which isn’t free). As for the general question about managed/unmanaged and the discussion in other answers, I think any answer to this question has to start with a definition of an unmanaged resource. //A C# destructor automatically calls the destructor of its base class. If an object implements the IDisposable interface, then it is for a reason and you are meant to call it and it shouldn’t be viewed as optional.

Deterministic Finalization Template

However, the argument indicates whether or not the Dispose method should be called on any managed object references. If the argument is false, the references to managed objects that implement IDisposable should be set to null, however, the Dispose method on those objects should not be called. The reason being that the owning objects Dispose method was not called (Dispose is only called by the finalizer, and not the Dispose method. The purpose of providing a Dispose Create a Portfolio Website on WordPress Premade Templates method is to allow the calling code to release unmanaged resources as soon as possible and to prevent two cycles being taken for the object’s cleanup. If the calling code calls Dispose, you do not want the garbage collector to call a finalizer because the unmanaged resources will have already been returned to the operating system. You must prevent the garbage collector from calling the finalizer by using GC.SuppressFinalization in your Dispose method.

One problem with most discussions of “unmanaged resources” is that they don’t really define the term, but seem to imply that it has something to do with unmanaged code. While it is true that many types of unmanaged resources do interface with unmanaged code, thinking of unmanaged resources in such terms isn’t helpful. If you reference any static variables or methods in your finalize-time Dispose code, make sure you check the Environment.HasShutdownStarted property. If your object is thread safe, be sure to take whatever locks are necessary for cleanup.

  • The reason for IDisposable is deterministic release of references by an object .
  • As shown previously, the code the compiler generates for the using statement checks that the variable passed in is not null before proceeding to implicitly casting it to IDisposable and calling Dispose().
  • TryDispose() checks to make sure the object isn’t null and then calls Dispose().
  • There is no need to implement it on a class that holds a finalizable object.
  • One problem with most discussions of “unmanaged resources” is that they don’t really define the term, but seem to imply that it has something to do with unmanaged code.
  • Since the Common Language Runtime uses Garbage Collection to manage the lifecycle of objects created on the heap, it is not possible to control the release and recovery of heap objects.

But what is the real way to free memory ‘right now’ instead of waiting for GC to kick in? You can use the ildasm.exe tool to check how the Dispose method is called internally when you use a using statement. If the component you call into is an unmanaged COM+ component, you need to call Marshal.ReleaseComObject.

The IDisposable Pattern

Having all interfaces derive from IDisposable is analogous to having every COM interface derive from IUnknown so that the interfaces will have the reference-counting methods. Dependency injection containers are powerful tools, handling object creation and lifecycle management on behalf of the developer. However, it is important to have a clear understanding of how to use the container in the context of an application framework. To prevent virtual memory leaks, the IDisposable interface must be used. Note that the documentation also talks about a variant of what I described that involves wrapping unmanaged references with a SafeHandle, which I am skipping over, and you can read more in the official docs.

Due to the non-deterministic nature of finalization and because finalizers are costly in terms of performance, the Dispose method is used much more frequently than a finalizer. Additionally, you can use the Dispose method on a type that implements the IDisposable interface. For the most part, the GC doesn’t work by identifying dead objects, but rather by identifying live ones. Circular refs will not keep objects alive if no other refs exist. So here are a couple of concrete examples that don’t do any unmanaged resource cleanup, but do successfully used IDisposable to create cleaner code. In most cases nulling stuff is not required, but some objects may actually keep a bunch of other objects alive too, even when they aren’t required anymore.

The Using Pattern & IDisposable

For example, File handlers, connection string, HTTP streams, etc. Unlike with Finalize, we use the Dispose method explicitly to free unmanaged resources. You should call the Dispose method explicitly on any object that implements it to free any unmanaged resources for which the object may be holding references. The whole idea behind the dispose pattern is that you are providing a somewhat deterministic way to release the unmanaged resources maintained by the object (or any object in it’s inheritance chain).

Any service that the built-in container creates in order to fill a dependency, which also implements IDisposable, will be disposed by the container at the appropriate point. So Transient and Scoped instances will be disposed at the end of the request , and Singleton services will be disposed when the application is torn down and the ServiceProvider itself is disposed. In this article we’ve examined four ways of disposing such IDisposable objects. We can dispose https://forexaggregator.com/ of IDisposable objects by using the “using” statement, by disposing automatically at the end of each request, by using the IoC container, and by taking advantage of IHostApplicationLifetime events. Another approach to dispose IDisposable objects automatically is by using the built-in IoC container in ASP.NET Core. You can take advantage of either Transient, Scoped, or Singleton instances to created services and add them to the built-in IoC container.

net idisposable

Passing true to the protected Dispose method ensures that dispose specific code is called. The Dispose method can be called directly by your class or indirectly by the client. For C# developers, the using statement automatically generates a try and finally block at compile time that calls Dispose on the object allocated inside the using block. XUnit.net creates a new instance of the test class for every test that is run, so any code which is placed into the constructor of the test class will be run for every single test.

I’m just writing to the console instead of doing any actual cleanup, but it’ll serve our purposes for this post. The following code snippet shows how you can use the IHostApplicationLifetime interface to register objects for disposal when the application shuts down. ASP.NET Core has an interface called IHostApplicationLifetime that allows you to run custom code when the application is started or shut down. You can take advantage of the Register method of this interface to register to events. I don’t like to add to mine code something just for the sake of addition.

Regardless of which level of the class hierarchy the object is from, the call is served by the topmost base class, which calls the virtual Cleanup() method. Despite IDisposable having only a single method named Dispose to implement, it is commonly implemented incorrectly. After reading this blog post it should be clear how and when to implement IDisposable, as well as how to ensure that resources are properly disposed when bad things happen . The Lamar IContainer itself, and all nested containers (scoped containers in .Net DI nomenclature) implement both IDisposable and IAsyncDisposable. It is not necessary to call both Dispose() and DisposeAsync() as either method will dispose all tracked IDisposable / IAsyncDisposable objects when either method is called.


In this course, IDisposable Best Practices for C# Developers, you’ll learn to manage object lifetimes and keep your apps running lean. First, you’ll see what goes wrong if you don’t dispose of objects, and how that can bring your apps down. Then, you’ll explore the Garbage Collector to understand how .NET cleans up unused objects.

As additional precaution I try to make possible calling of Dispose() multiple times. In my Dispose method call GC.SuppressFinalize in order to notify garbage collector that my object was already cleaned up. In my dispose method I iterate over all IDisposable members of class and call Dispose. Yep, that code is completely redundant and unnecessary and it doesn’t make the garbage collector do anything it wouldn’t otherwise do (once an instance of MyCollection goes out of scope, that is.) Especially the .Clear() calls. This is almost the Microsoft Dispose pattern implementation except you’ve forgotten to make the DIspose virtual. The pattern itself is not a very good pattern and should be avoided unless you absolutely have to have dispose as part of an inheritance hierarchy.

You are not recommended to share serviced components or COM or COM+ objects in cases where your objects are created in a nondefault context. For example, clients such as ASP.NET pages running in a transaction or running in ASPCOMPAT mode are always located inside a COM+ context. If your client is a serviced component itself, the same rule applies. If the test classes need access to the fixture instance, add it as a constructor argument, and it will be provided automatically.

net idisposable

However, I don’t see an easy way of knowing when I’m slipping up. Visual Studio doesn’t seem to indicate this in any way (am I just missing something?). Am I just supposed to check help every time I declare anything, and gradually build up an encyclopedic memory for which objects are and which are not disposable?

The Dispose() Pattern

Next, I will describe what to do if you create a type that inherits from an IDisposable type as shown below. What is described above is the proper way to implement the IDisposable pattern. Here is an example of a typical class that I will come by when analyzing code. En Docker emerged as the best way to run applications, Elton made containers his focus, and now he works for Docker.

There is no point in adding a finaliser to call the Dispose method shown above though. That will just DELAY the re-claiming of memory to allow the finaliser to run. Changes to the Log file’s indentation must be perfectly nested, or it all goes wrong. 4 Stages of Building High-Performing Team However, it doesn’t take long to familiarize yourself with types that need disposal; generally anything involving anything external , for example. A common practice is to keep a private variable that denotes whether Dispose has been called.

If the user calls Dispose() on your object, then everything has been cleaned up. Later on, when the garbage collector comes along and calls Finalize, it will then call Dispose again. If you don’t use using , then it’s up to you to dispose of your object by explicitely calling Dispose(). Moving the finalization burden to leaf objects results in the promotion of only the relevant ones to the finalization queue, which helps optimize the finalization process. In such cases, you should follow acquire, work, release semantics.

This is the standard pattern for releasing non-memory resources in .NET. The “release” method provides the equivalent functionality in the Java classes. The requirement to call Dispose when finished using an object instance is similar to the requirement to call release in the Java classes. Now, during normal execution there are ephemeral resources that must be cleaned up correctly (as @fezmonkey points out database connections, sockets, window handles) to avoid unmanaged memory leaks.